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NEW! Shopping Extravaganza! Warehouse Pricing, Local Shopping: Presenting Sponsor

cost: $495


Benefits: As Presenting sponsor, your business will have your logo displayed on promotional materials including the promotional flyers, the chamber web site www.uniquelyurbandale.com, advertisement in the Urbandale Des Moines Register, Urbandale Living and business name mentioned on the radio commercial, & advertisement in Coffee News.

If desired, the Presenting sponsorship includes a participating sponsorship to drive additional traffic to your store during the event (Friday, November 30 - Sunday, December 2). Your business will be listed on the official shopping map as a location, which will be distributed at each participating location, during Chamber events, and added to the Chamber's web site www.uniquelyurbandale.com. The event will be promoted using radio with the Des Moines Radio Group, television with the OnMedia weather channel scroll, newspaper using the Urbandale Register and promoted through a community-wide email list.
Participants are asked to provide a clearance section and/or a deeply discounted item. If a participating business is closed on Sunday, the Chamber can reflect this in the promotional materials.

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