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Membership Luncheon: PRESENTING Membership Luncheon Sponsor

cost: $1,500


Event Perks - Two tickets to each lunch ($480 value), Electronic list of all registered attendees every month for follow up and the opportunity to provide a door prize at any of the Chamber luncheons!

Recognition - Receive naming rights to the monthly event as Presenting Sponsor of the Urbandale Chamber of Commerce luncheons through February 2013! This sponsorship will place your company's name front and center every month. (Urbandale Chamber Membership Luncheon presented by 'your company'),
Company name listed every month on www.uniquelyurbandale.com and www.desmoinesmetro.com event listing promoting the event, promotion monthly throughout the year promoting the event (complete with a link to your web site) in the Chamber's e-newsletter, public thank you in front of all attendees every month at the luncheon, company signage at the event, opportunity to serve as official greeters at the event for face time, thanking and welcoming all attendees, opportunity to address the attendees for two minutes at any of the monthly luncheons of your choice.

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