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Nixa Citywide Garage Sales


People from all over the Ozarks as well as bordering states come to Nixa to find their next treasure every Spring and in 2022, the Chamber hosted the first ever Fall Citywide Garage with huge success! Now TWICE a year Nixa hosts these Citywide Garage Sales attracting thousands of people into the city of Nixa.  


Community members having a garage sale are offered free garage sale signs for registering their sales on our Chamber website. The digital map of all the sales brings huge traffic to our website with great exposure for our sponsors. In 2022, we had almost 800 registered garage sales for the year with over 40,000 documented views of our online digital map! The Experience Nixa app had over 7,000 homescreen hits for Spring and Fall! Plus premier sponsors will be mentioned in any media advertising, social media advertising, website, Experience Nixa App additional advertising and more. 


This is truly a chance to be seen in our community by literally thousands upon thousands of visitors.  




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